About the California Federation of Woman's Clubs

The object of the California Federation of Woman's Clubs (CFWC) is to unite the influence and enterprise of California Women, to carry on among member clubs a definite educational program along lines of educational, moral, social welfare and civic interests, and to compare methods of study and work.

The California Federation was organized January 18, 1900 with 40 clubs representing nearly 6,000 women. Today the Federation with its junior Membership has 545 clubs with a total of 33,908 throughout the state.

The state is divided into 25 districts each headed by a district president and district executive board. The state executive board comprises 13 elective officers (including the director of Junior Clubs), two appointive officers, the district presidents, chairmen of departments and divisions, chairmen of standing and special committees and the past state presidents. This board outlines the general policy and program of activities for each biennium of Departments of conservation, education, home life, international affairs, public affairs and the arts. Each Department is divided into several Divisions for specific work covering legislation, community affairs and services and involvement, scholarships, and cultural interests.

The California Federation is a member of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs which was founded in 1890. It is an international organization with a membership of ten million in forty-five countries. This membership includes nearly 586,120 members in 12,500 clubs in the United States and in the territory of Puerto Rico. The General Federation was chartered by Congress in 1901.

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